Old Technology - Antique Jewellery Morpeth

Antique Jewellery | Antiques, Anitque Silver, Estate Jewellery Morpeth Maitland

Wide - Intro - Jewellery Valueist Newcastle

Old Technology

Old Technology is your local expert in all things antique jewellery in the Maitland suburb of Morpeth in the Hunter Region of New South Wales. Handling everything from the valuation and retail of antique and estate jewellery, enamels, silver glass and designer jewellery, we are sure we have something for everyone.

To find out more about your local jewellery experts, call Old Technology today on 0427 499 150.

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Wide - About Us - Antique Watches Maitland

Antique Jewellery - Morpeth - Maitland

Established in 1986, here at Old Technology we have over three decades of experience, carrying Newcastle and the surrounding area’s largest display of genuine antique and estate jewellery. We also carry designer pieces from Savi by Gerhard, Nicole Barr, Dr William Kovell, Elliot Hall Enamels and have the largest display of Moorcroft Pottery in NSW, and much more

Here at Old Technology we have a deep understanding of the value of antique and estate jewellery as certified gemmologists and valuers, but also the sentimental value these pieces can hold and so conduct ourselves with the utmost professionalism and commitment to customer care.

Erstwilder Maitland, Estate Jewellery Pokolbin, Elliot Hall Bolwarra Heights, Used Jewellery Lake Macquarie, Moorcroft Newcastle, Designer Jewellery Wallalong Antiques Maitland, Used Jewellery Hunter Valley, Antique Silver Pokolbin, Erstwilder Morpeth, Moorcroft Bolwarra Heights, Designer Jewellery Newcastle

Wide - Services - Artefacts Newcastle

Antiques - From Newcastle to Port Stephens

Here at Old Technology in Newcastle we are proud to provide a range of products and services, handling silver, glass, ceramics, gold, precious stones, our services include the following:

  • Antique Jewellery
  • Estate Jewellery
  • Second Hand Jewellery
  • Designer Jewellery
  • Moorcroft
  • Elliot Hall Enamels
  • Erstwilder
  • Antique Silver
  • Gemmologist
  • Jewellery Valuation

Based in Morpeth, west of Newcastle, we have a 200-kilometre service range with customers from Port Stephens and the Hunter Valley to Pokolbin and beyond.

We are open Thursday through Sunday from 10am to 5pm, displaying antique, estate and gold jewellery Friday to Sunday from 11am to 4pm.

Wide - Summary - Old Technology

Moorcroft - From Pokolbin to Lake Macquarie

A Morpeth based company; here at Old Technology we are there to provide the Maitland region and beyond with all antique and estate jewellery needs.

Carrying large ranges of pieces, including ceramics, glass and silver, Old Technology is also a certified and experienced gemmologist and valuer.

Elliot Hall Lake Macquarie, Jewellery Valuer Maitland, Amber Hunter Valley, Jeweller Newcastle, Erstwilder Bolwarra Heights, Marcasite Pokolbin Jewellery Valuer Newcastle, Jeweller Morpeth, Antique Silver Wallalong, Second Hand Jewellery Maitland, Marcasite Lake Macquarie, Elliot Hall Pokolbin